Overview Of The Gilded Age

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social control due to banking and government regulation of investment. T.H Marshall, social democrat, shifted attention from liberal like property rights and civil liberties to political rights such as democracy rising or new social and economic rights to the interest of an independent market. Social democrats conquered the balancing of government and the market however it was accepted in the post-war era by capital and the dramatic experiences of the Great Depression. However today’s context is much greater than that, in fact it involves a weaken labor movement, a hyper mobile, and globalization within corporations creating and reassembling within bending governments to their own will.
The flashing return of what it seems to be a Gilded Age reflects perspectives on those …show more content…

In a podcast, In The Past Lane, claims that those who believes that we are currently in a Second Gilded Age are not “invoking the tired and thoroughly misleading notion that history repeats itself.” (Are We Living In a Second Gilded Age, 2014) Those on the other side usually assume that those who believes in this are currently being guided, whether they know or not, by Mark Twain which phrased “The past does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” in the Gilded Age during 1873. This rhyming between our times and the past is why many historians find the similarities frightening. However though all of this evidence do Americans actually care about this New Gilded Age? Well the glass is half empty and half full. Most citizens have only a small sense of nation’s income and does little to inform more and more

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