
The Role Of Income Inequality In Healthcare

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As time continues to march forward, the trend in the growing gap between the haves and the have-nots continues to widen. We now know that these trends have real consequences for the health of patients and society as a whole. As a nation, we have conventionally thought it was acceptable if the rich got richer, so long as the poor were modestly provided for. As the healthcare industry evolves due to the growing socioeconomic gap between rich and poor, the health of the nation as a whole deteriorates and the cost of maintaining an economically operational healthcare system becomes impossible. For nurses who live and work in this environment, it is their duty and moral obligation to advocate for every single patient, regardless of patient characteristics like; immigration status, race, gender, location and income level. Understanding the inequality in the deviation of healthcare in the US is an essential component to facilitate in ending this injustice and being in compliance with the nursing code of ethics. …show more content…

It has been created by the policies of governments and our people: taxation, training, investment in children and their education, modernization of businesses, minimum wages and health care benefits, capital availability, support for green industries, encouragement of labor unions, attention to infrastructure and technical assistance to entrepreneurs, among others. In the U.S., government policies of the past one hundred years have promoted encouraged and celebrated inequality. These are choices that we, as a society, have made. Now one half of our society is anxious of the other half, and the socioeconomic gap between us is expanding and overflowing into the realm of

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