
The Role Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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I had been standing outside the walls of the house for over two hours, waiting for Telemakhos’s return. He had gone to search for his father, Odysseus. Odysseus had been at war for 20 years and no one knew if he was alive or dead. Penelope, the queen and who I take orders from, picked me to wait for Telemakhos. Just out in the distance I can see two men walking towards me, one Telemakhos and the other unfamiliar. I told Telemakhos that his mother had wished to see him upon his arrival. He agrees to go see her, but first he must give this man a place to rest. Telemakhos had brought an old, filthy man with him. He ordered that this man was to be treated with the most respect. From across the hall I can hear Penelope and Telemakhos talking about
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