The Role Of The Great Depression In America

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The Great Depression was a time period of poverty, and loss that no one in my generation could even imagine. The Great Depression hit everyone world wide, not just the United States. The Great Depression also affected the Soviet Union, Germany, Japan, and Latin America. Everyone world wide was faced with hardships and struggles to make ends meet. The first downfall that got the ball rolling into the hole of the Great Depression was the fall of the stock markets. You wouldn't think that the stock market falling would cause such mayhem, but it did. People who were not even invested in stocks began to be affected, even in other countries. Because of the stocks falling production began to decline, which led to workers being laid off. This trying …show more content…

People went from living comfortable life styles to scrapping by to feed themselves and their family. The amount of jobs came to a halt without the amount of supply and demand America once knew. The opportunity to make money was slim to none, and for those who were lucky enough to keep their jobs they experienced huge pay cuts and less working hours. Food was also in high demand, but not enough was being supplied. Big farming states were faced with some of the biggest droughts in history during the time period of the great depression. Without the supply of water it was impossible for the farmers to produce food for themselves, much less all of America. Malnutrition was what most families in America faced because of the limited food supply. This does not even scrape the surface of what Americans faced from 1929-1941. Coming out the depression was a true struggle. World War II played a role in pulling America out of the depression. It created jobs and manufacturing. America partnered with Britain and France to fight the war in Germany. To help alleviate the potential of another Great Depression happening again acts began to be passed as well, one of those includes the social security act. This secured money for elderly and disabled people who do not have a …show more content…

He took a different strategy than American did. Hitler, despite what he stood for, was an influential leader to the German people. Hitler's plan behind pulling Germany out of the Great Depression was to stop all trades, he thought that if Germany stopped giving out supplies that they would have more resources for themselves. When countries like Germany stopped exports other countries like Latin America suffered. Latin America suffered because they depended on exports of products, and without the products coming in from other counties they took a big down fall which took them a while to rebound from. Germany made a smart move by stopping exportation and keeping products for themselves, they did how ever struggle just like America did with the lack of jobs.
Japan was also in a desperate need to end the great depression. They were seeking sources which could end the Great Depression in their country. Japan took a different tactic than Germany and the United States, but they all had the same underlying initiative. Japan decided to take over a area in coastal China that had an abundance of materials and sources that could benefit Japan. Poverty and the lack of jobs was still and obstacle for the Japanese people, but the start to climbing out of the great depression was taking