Family: The Rothschild Family

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Members of the richest family in the world, the Rothschild family, have been controlling money and politics worldwide since the early 1800’s. Who is Rothschild? Rothschild is the richest family in the world and they run a giant and popular bank system that’s been running for generations. Many people believe the name Rothschild literally means “wealth.” However, history says something different. The name Rothschild was created when Izaak Elchanan Rothschild got a house in Germany. This house was distinguished by a red sign, which in german is translated to Rotschilt, meaning “red sign” or “red shield.” (The Rothschild Archive). The family is said to have been rich since the early 1800’s. So rich, they could afford some things that royalty …show more content…

They have succeeded in multiple ways: One way they do this is by having a woman of Jewish origin marry a king. Then, when they have a child (which they would prefer to be a son), the child will be Jewish only because his mother was. This allows for a Jewish emperor when he steps up to the throne. They have also had leaders of countries assassinated then replaced with one of Rothschild loyalty, therefore forcing that country to join in their banks. Even if they do not assassinate a leader, they will have a Rothschild agent in that country for when they are needed to take the place of the current leader. This has come to the assumption that Rothschild are a family of Zionist Jews. These Jews take over countries to get them to Jewish rule and practice Jewish religion by any means necessary. This is said to have worked in all but three countries: Cuba, North Korea, and Iran have not subdued to the orders from Rothschild... yet. Another theory on how Rothschild has lied their way to wealth is with their religion alone. They are not Jewish like they claim to be. Rothschild, along with many other Jews, are Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews hide their true identities and reveal themselves as whoever they seem necessary to appear as. In this case, Rothschild appears as a Jewish family. They appear as Jewish so their story appears to be a fascinating “rags to riches” story. When in reality, they do not …show more content…

But the business would not be as successful as it is if it weren’t for the work of his most successful son, Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Nathan was born on September 16, 1777, in the Free City of Frankfurt. Being the third son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, he was also the most successful of his four brothers. He was also the bully of his brothers as well, pushing them around and being feared by them some of his life. This man also followed in his father’s footsteps, funding wars whenever he felt necessary, so goes his quote “Buy on the sound of cannons, sell on the sound of trumpets.” This is saying that during war, stocks will be bought by Rothschild for low prices, only to be sold for much higher prices once the war is over. Nathan Rothschild was not new to the financial business. When he moved to London, he was a popular “Manchester Man.” In fact, his work and skills have been titled as legendary and unlike anything anyone has ever seen. This gave reason for people to believe he abused this power, a popular quote giving some evidence on this: “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England… The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” He gave himself totally to his business, there was nothing that could distract him from this masterpiece he created. That is, until he met Hannah