The SU-ICLS Administration Should Lower The Total Units Of The Medical Technology Program

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There are a variety of reasons why the Silliman University Institute of Clinical Laboratory Sciences should lower the total units of the medical technology program. Reasons that the students themselves are now experiencing, such as the hectic schedule that deprives them from recreation and additional time to study. Other causes include the expensive tuition that could potentially prevent students from continuing their studies because of financial troubles and the students' divided attention because there are too many courses to focus on. The hectic schedule that the students are experiencing is a major aspect why the SU-ICLS administration should lower the total units of the MT program. According to the researchers’ survey, 91% of the 34 respondents agreed that the schedule of the program is too hectic. Because of this, students are deprived of recreation and additional time to study. However, Brendan Baker said that being busy is an advantage for the reason that it motivates a person to be productive and confident. He …show more content…

Moreover, the divided attention of the students because there are too many courses to focus on is also reason to lower the total units of the MT program. 85% of the 34 respondents were accounted that they agreed with the statement that there are too many courses to study. In the MT curriculum, there are over two hundred thirteen (213) units in the MT program with fifty-eight (58) courses including NSTP 1 and 2 (National Service Training Program 1 and 2), and PEP 1 and 2 (Personality Enhancement Program 1 and 2). However, only one hundred and thirty-six (136) units with twenty-nine (29) courses are directly related to the program while the remaining are not (“Medical technology student handbook,”