The Salem Witch Trials In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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In the spring of 1692 an outbreak of which craft shadowed over the town of Salem, Massachusetts. Although which craft is non-existent it didn't stop these crazed occult activists from pointing fingers at people they have known there whole life. The Crucibles is a tragedy driven story based on the horrific events that took place in Salem. Nevertheless, all this talk of witches had to come from somewhere; surprisingly, it came from a group of girls dancing naked in the forest and drinking the blood of a chicken. All of the girls in attendance seemed to be having a great time, at-least that's what it looked like to Reverend Parris who was watching from behind the bushes. A few days following their little act in the woods one of the girls, Betty Parris, was terminally ill. The doctor could find no cause of the illness so he claimed her sickness "unnatural", "He bid me tell you, that you might look to unnatural things for the cause of it", Susanna reiterated (Miller 9). Parris now becoming embittered questioned one of the girls, "Abigail... What did you do with her in the forest?" (Miller 10) In her defense Abigail …show more content…

In defense Abigail and the other girls go onto point fingers at the rest of the town and accuse people of witch craft, those people are then tried in trial, and then hanged. Reverend John Hale thought everything was going fine until the conviction of two specific individuals caused havoc in Salem. Rebecca and Francis nurse are two highly respected elder town officials who were convicted by Abigail Williams to witchcraft. This sends an uproar through town, John Proctor, Reverend Parris, etc. go on a revolt to stop all this witchcraft nonsense, but in their midst, they were too also convicted of