The Scarlet Ibis Literary Analysis

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The short story, “The Scarlet Ibis,” by James Hurst explains how some things in life just are not meant to survive. In the beginning of the story when William Armstrong, A.K.A. Doodle, was born no one thought he would live for very long so he was never named. Eventually Brother(the narrator) started calling him doodle. Because Doodle could not walk he had a small go-cart that brother would pull him around in, and wherever Brother went, Doodle went too. Doodle was not able to get too tired, scared, excited, too hot or cold, and always treated gently, he was not able to walk either; one day Brother took Doodle to a swamp down by their house, and over a course of a few weeks Doodle was walking! Mom was excited to see Doodle walking, he had put forth a lot of effort, but in the end of the story there are many things that go wrong: Doodle got too tired and scared when his brother left him behind, and because of that Doodle died. …show more content…

‘It lives in the tropics-- South America to Florida…’” (4) quotes the author. The author says this because just like the scarlet ibis, Doodle was not expected to live. The circumstances are different for the bird, however they are very similar in nature to Doodle’s. Doodle could not walk just as the bird could not

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