
The Scarlet Ibis Pride Quotes

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Pride in its many ways! "Brother, Brother, don't leave me! Don't leave me! Don't leave me!" (p.425) This quote from "The Scarlet Ibis" wrote by James Hurst says a lot about Doodle and his brothers fillings towards him. Doodle and his brother have a close relationship throughout the story. The bleeding tree that stood just outside of the kitchen window now where a grindstone stands, now it's like if an oriole sings in the elm, its song seems to die up in the leaves, a silvery dust. (p.416) The bleeding tree and doodle are alike because the bleeding tree is not there anymore, but the memories about it still are just like Doodle because the memories that him and his brother have will never be forgotten. Doodle and his brother have a close …show more content…

Brother was determined to teach Doodle how to run, swim, climb trees, and do all things that a healthy boy can do. "I did not know then that pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death." (p.419) The brother stresses on pride. He pushes Doodle to make him fit in at school. When he took Doodle to Horsehead Landing before the first day of school he fills shame of failure but he doesn't stop trying even when he knows it's fatal. (p.416) This is one of the reasons of how the brother causes Doodles death because he made him work to hard and by having little concern for Doodle and more about his pride from what he …show more content…

The brother showed more pride for helping Doodle then concern for Doodles health. “Pride is a wonderful,terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death.” (p.419) The quote shows that he did not know the effect of pride till it was to late. “Renaming my brother was perhaps the kindest thing I ever did for him, because his first name only sounds good on a tombstone.” (p.417) The Brother tells you that the pride he had in renaming his brother because no one expected anything from him. This is another reason why his brother caused his death by having little concern for what he done and he left Doodle in the rain. The narrator from "The Scarlet Ibis", causes Doodles death because he left him off in the rain. The brother was angry doodle had failed his expectations. Doodle stepped off the boat and collapsed onto the mud. (p.425) They both felt like they had failed. “Brother, Brother, Brother, do not leave me! Do not leave me!” (p.425) Brother left and he did not come back to save him till it was to late because he was disappointed in Doodle for not running fast enough to keep up with him. All these reasons on how Brother was mad a Doodle comes to a conclusion on why he causes Doodles

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