
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Nathaniel Hawthorne, a dark romantic novelist of the late 1800’s and author of the Scarlet Letter, a novel that screams feminism. Feminism is the idea of women being equal to men in all aspects of life. Hawthorne goes against feminist ideology, although he portrays Hester as a storng-willed woman. Hester Prynne raises her child Pearl on her own, all the while wearing her sin upon her chest for the world to judge her. While her child father suffers in silence.  Hawthorne portrays Hester in a steriotypical way as any male writer does. Feminism is the ideology of women being equal and Hester goes gainst that in all ways. She is slut shamed by wearing a scarlet letter ‘a’ on her chest and she supports her babys father, Dimmesdale in all that
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