The Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass and The School Days of an Indian Girl by Zitkala-sa and Frederick Douglass himself, explores the ways in which colonialism brought about their distress. To which in turn set out a passion in them to succeed – and so they did. Both narrative essay explores death through American culture with the theme of education being their escape. Though one would think it would be the demise to their identity, upon their realization, succeeded to defeat the common notion that, un-American ethnic groups (minorities) were below the “white pale faces.” Language and education seemed to disconnect both cultures. However, education was the key to set them free. Although, Frederick Douglass was born in America, he didn 't have the privilege his white fellow Americans seemed …show more content…
Later when she was introduced to the white man’s Devil, she dreamt that she was hiding from him and no one but she noticed him. The mother (in her dream) did not acknowledge the devil. He was invisible to her, transparent. Within her dream, she may have concluded that the devil wasn’t able to communicate and have an effect on her mother because the mother didn’t understand his language. Or possibly, that something is only true as you believe it to be so. As evident as with Frederick narrative essay, one is only hindered when the thought of failure prevails. Zitkala-sa uses a simile in her narrative essay when she writes, “the slurs against the Indian that stained the lips of our opponents were already burning like a dry fever within my breast” that shows her negative energy was channelized into passion. Fever, being hot like fire, was the passion she found within – to succeed, to empower herself and shun those that thought any different. To channelize ones anger results in positivity and success. The narrator successfully proved the white pale faces wrong, and when she would her “evil spirit laughed within”