
The Scripture: If Jesus Turn Water Into Wine Or Grape Juice At Cana

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There is many confusion as to if Jesus turned the water into wine or grape juice at the wedding at Cana. There are also many Scriptures where there are questions if Jesus is referring to wine as alcohol or a fruity drink. As always, Scripture has the answer to this question. We are going to dig into the Scripture and see if Jesus turned the water into grape juice, or wine.

Apparently in some cases when Jesus mentions wine, He could either be referring to an alcoholic beverage or simply grape juice.

Proverbs 20:1 (KJV 1990) is implying that wine in this case is an alcoholic beverage. It says it bring man quarrels and rage. There is also another paragraph in Proverbs that supports this statement, Proverbs 23:29-35 (NIV). It also expresses
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