Title: The Secret Life of Bees Author: Sue Monk Kidd Main Characters (Protagonist/Antagonist), Title, & Traits: Lily Owens: Protagonist. She is the main character of the novel. She is very curious girl and has a rebellious streak that leads to her to be a risk taker. August Boatwright: She is a main character. She is Lily’s dead mother’s godmother. She is very caring and kind and loves to help others learn new things and overcome challenges. T. Ray Owens: Antagonist. He is Lily’s father. He is a bully to Lily. He is very unkind, overruling, and demanding. Zach Taylor: He is Lily’s best friend and love interest. He is very supportive and caring and is very loyal to the people he cares about. Setting: The setting is the southern state of South Carolina in the 1960’s during the …show more content…
While in prison, Rosaleen is beaten up by the white men she poured her snuff on. T. Ray gets angry with Lily for allowing it to happen and makes her kneel on grits. Lily, who is tired of the way T. Ray treats her, decides to break Rosaleen out of prison and run away with her. Lily breaks Rosaleen out of prison by sneaking her past the policemen at the hospital where she is receiving stitches because of being beat up. They run away to Tiburon where Lily finds out that the black picture is on a honey label that is made at a bee farm owned by August Boatwright. She then travels to their house and introduces herself to August and her two sisters, May and June. Lily and Rosaleen end up living at the sisters’ house called “The Pink House.” Lily does not tell August or any of the sisters her real identity. Lily then meets August’s godson, Zach Taylor, who she develops romantic feelings for. She works with Zach and August in the farm for a while. One day, she sees May laying a trail of marsh mellows and graham cracker crumbs to lead a roach out of the house to safety. Lily remembers her father saying that her mother did the exact same thing. She wonders if her mom learned that