The Sense Of Forlorn In Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven

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Emotions are like a seesaw. One minute they’re up the next they’re down. While reading Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven one felt the sense of forlorn. The definition of forlorn is “desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance.” It seems as if the narrator is a very sorrowful, lonely, and depressed man. The portrayal of the character in that sense allows one to also experience his emotions and influences one’s feeling of forlorn. Edgar Allan Poe paints the setting of a dark, dingy chamber… full of heartache. Making one feel lonely and dreary. The narrator faces conflict between himself and his lost lover Lenore, leaving one feeling empathetic for the narrator. Edgar Allan Poe leaves one with goosebumps tickling their skin at the end of this twisted tale. The narrator 's lonely …show more content…

The narrator is lonely and sorrowful, which makes one feel the same way. The character is feeling lonely because of the loss of Lenore. He lives all by himself and was very jumpy when someone knocked at the door. It was like no one had knocked on the door for a long time. For example, “Thrilled me-filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; So that now, to still and the beating of my heart, I stood repeating” (Poe S1). The narrator is taken back by the knocking on his door because he is not used to it. One can infer that the narrator 's strong loneliness is a key factor in my feeling of forlorn. To continue, the narrator is also stubborn when it comes to being lonely. The bird is there and he is finally not alone but then he wishes for the bird to leave him alone. In the end of the text it states,”Leave my loneliness unbroken” (Poe S17). The narrator 's stubbornness makes us feel forlorn again because he was finally happy in the middle of the poem and then in the end he wished it away. I can conclude that the narrator is not sure of his feelings and what he