The Shallows Research Paper

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“Social media is term used to describe the interaction between groups or individuals in which they produce, share, and sometimes exchange ideas over the internet and in virtual communities.”( Social networks impact young people significantly; teens are being brought up in a world revolving around mobile devices and interactions through social sites such as, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. Sites such as these have made teens believe that social media is vitally important in their life. Social networks are transforming the way young people communicate with their parents and peers.connecting sentence In fact, in a passage from Teen Ink it says,” On average teens spend two hours and twenty minutes a day on social media.”( …show more content…

The differences in communication techniques of teens through, social media is causing teens worldwide to be Lonelier. Through social media, teens are no longer required to learn vital social skills when they are you young. Teens are not capable of making new friends ,and when they do make friends they struggle to maintain the friendship. By trying to maintain a friendship through social media, the lack of personal interaction will cause many of these friendships to struggle because they are not able to connect on a deeply personal level. In the novel the Shallows, by Anthony Jaswinski the author states,” In the quiet spaces opened up by the prolonged, undistracted reading of a book, people made their own associations, drew their own inferences and analogies, fostered their own ideas. They thought deeply as they read deeply.”(The book the shallows) The author was …show more content…

This has affected our society by allowing teens to have a quick and efficient way to communicate with others worldwide. Also it allows them to hide behind screens and limits their face to face interactions, and can cause loneliness, anxiety, and put them at risk of being attacked by cyberbullies. As you can tell there are many positives and negatives of the use of social media in teens, but can you truly hinder one's social experiences by not allowing them to use social networks? In the era of technology in which we live in today our lives on the internet have become just as important as our lives in reality so to think that you should not allow a teen to connect with his peers through social media is obscured. By doing this you could not only make them miss out on many social events you could leave your teen social