Visual Techniques Used In The Shoe Horn Sonata And War Photographer

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Distinctively visual techniques are predominantly used in both the play The Shoe Horn Sonata and the poem ‘War Photographer’. They each represent unique images of individuals by expressing the traumatising experiences of war on Bridie, Sheila and the photographer through stories. Misto’s visual play is, effectively a monument to heroic women who went through horrific experiences during World War II, He uses language, movement, props, lighting and screen projected images to convey his message while Duffy uses language format to represent the ways an individual can be affected by war and the impact it can have on their life. Distinctively visual is proficiently applied in Misto’s 1990s play as he creates two characters who are completely different …show more content…

This man been traumatised by his war experiences “Finally alone” this shows the photographer wishes to be alone isolating and hiding himself from the world because he cant get rid of the images he sees in his head and feels separated from everyone as they don't understand him this links back to sheila as she felt a similar way. The clue that he feels emotion is when his hands seem to tremble as he's developing the images, Distinctively visual is shown as Duffy employs powerful, visual imagery to communicate the emotional feel throughout the poem “The readers eyeballs prick with tears” "between the bath and pre-lunch beers" this suggests the poet's attitude towards the community is negatively approached showing readers only care for a little bit until they go out and drink forgetting all the problems of war and expressing our shallow responses to international suffering. She emphasises that the photographer is greatly affected by the detail in which she writes how he feels.“To fields which don't explode beneath the feet of running children in nightmare heat” She uses contrast and distinctively visual to give the intended audience a sense of feeling due to the fact that innocent children are involved intending that people care more about children than the adults that see it all, “ A half formed ghost” meaning the dead people is a simile used to make individuals think about what the media portrays this photographer to see and what he actually sees. The unique images an individual sees when they go through such a traumatising experience is expresses through many of the lines throughout the poem, Duffy expresses the hardship of the involvement of war in peoples lives and the feet it has on