The Significance Of The American Dream In The Revelation Of Louisa May

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The American Dream is not a worthy pursuit because your own dreams are worth fighting for and are more accessible. Your own American Dream is worth fighting for. In the song “Yungen” by Rod Wave, he states “this is my dream, I always believed, but I couldn't see it comin’”. The artist is saying that it was always his dream to be famous with his rap career but he didn't expect for his dream to become true considering his troubled past. He escaped his troubled past and worked hard to fight for his own American Dream to be a headlining rapper. This conveys that your own American Dream is worth fighting for regardless of the adversity you may face throughout your life. Had Rod Wave pursued the American Dream, he wouldn't have strived to be a …show more content…

In the novel “The Revelation of Louisa May” by Michaela MacColl, the main character Louisa finds a runaway slave by the name George and considering her family was not like the typical people in their city the narrator states, “even the threat of arrest wouldn't keep them from helping George and those like him” (MacColl 15). As the narrator states how Louisa’s family had taken in many other slaves it highlights how they lived out their own American Dream by going against America's stigma towards housing slaves. This is significant because it was more convenient for them to help George than report him and return him to his owner. The American Dream during that time was to be land and slave owners and Lousia’s family went against the American Dream and helped be a change in their community. In other words, the American Dream isn't a worthy pursuit because helping others is more important and accessible. Another example that shows the importance of your dream being accessible is, “Lose Yourself” by Eminem. The artist states “you own it, you better never let it go, you only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime” meaning your dreams are accessible but you must take the opportunities. Going after the American Dream may not be the goals and dreams you have for yourself but your dream is accessible and is worth pursuing more than the American Dream. In closing the artist wants the listener to understand that the American Dream isn't worth pursuing because your own dreams are right in front of you, you just have to work for