The Similarities Between Avatar And The Alberta Oil Sand

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Environmentalists see the movie Avatar as a close depiction of our society's reality with the Alberta oil sands. James Cameron, the director of Avatar, created this blockbuster to bring awareness to a growing issue of Alberta’s oil sands. Undoubtedly, he has achieved this task as this movie shows numerous similarities, but also some differences regarding the current situation with the oil sands. Both show similarities when it comes to cultural and environmental sustainabilities. One environmental sustainabilities that both Avatar and the Alberta oil sands share is that in both situations mining companies decrease biodiversity. Also, Avatar and Alberta oilsands are similar in terms of their cultural sustainability because both the Na’vi and First Nations traditions are not being respected. However, they are also quite different in terms of their social sustainability. For example, in the movie the Na’vi …show more content…

Nonetheless, James Cameron still achieved his task of raising awareness of the oil sands by creating a close depiction of what the oil sands do to nearby cultures and our environment.

The Alberta oil sands and the movie Avatar are very similar in terms of their effects on the ecological sustainability. In both the Avatar and the Alberta oil sands, the biodiversity decreases rapidly solely by the cause of humans. Oil sands are run by companies and require trees and plants to be stipt from land in order to extract oil from the ground. The oil may be 500 m below the surface, further destroying the environment of wildlife (Tama Muru). In Avatar, companies hire military to extract the unobtanium that lies under the home of the Na’vi, and this procedure would require a similar process as oil sands. As result of these trees being teared down we lose biodiversity. This may not seem like a big issue, but because of animals losing their homes and the cascade effect there will