The Similarities Between Azande And Puerto Rican Culture

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Two different cultures living on two different corners of the earth can have similar practices in their cultures, while having different population size, density, and different climates. One such culture is the Azande, a culture known for their compelling belief in witchcraft, have a population of close to a million people, whose villages span across three countries. The Azande, a culture known for their compelling belief in witchcraft, have a population of close to a million people, whose villages span across three countries. Understanding the similarities and differences between Azande and Puerto Rican culture, one is able to see that some customs are similar across cultures, while other practices are unique to a certain group. One difference between Puerto Rican and Azande culture is the egalitarian nature of the Rican. Instead of looking out for just their nuclear family as the Azande do, Puerto Ricans are more concerned with reciprocity and helping one another. This creates a great difference between the two cultures. A large reason why there is this difference is because …show more content…

Azande marriages are more than just a typical agreement between a husband and wife; it includes a husband’s constant indebtedness to the wife’s family. To start the marriage process, an intermediary would be spent to the bride father. The bride father could reject the suitor immediately, or if impressed choose to discuss it her family, the orator and finally the bride. In Puerto Rican culture it is the groom’s father who makes the descions, as he arranges the marriage of his son often without the awareness of the future couple. Because of this unique tradition, it is clear that the importance of a Puerto Rican’s bride’s wealth resemble those of the Azande, because both value bride wealth as an important aspect of the marriage