Strengths And Weaknesses Of Confucius

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Book V concerns itself chiefly with the disciples themselves aside that it continues the discussion of “jen”. By directly examining the disciples themselves as well as historical figures. Confucius evaluates their strengths and weaknesses as part of a larger discourse on virtue and goodness by drawing upon these figures as examples. In other books in the text Confucius makes comparisons between the gentleman and what he calls "the small man". This distinction will prove of some importance, particularly when considering the historical context in which these words were presumably uttered. Book 6- Comments about disciples and historical figures Book VI continues with the discussion of the disciples and public figures. In particular, Confucius laments the passing of Yen Hui, a disciple who died and whom Confucius evidently held in high regard. To discuss the specifics of Confucian ideology, Book VI draws on specific examples, which are recounted by Confucius to illustrate when something was done correctly or incorrectly. Moreover, it continues in much as the same manner, discussing public figures and disciples and also gives a glimpse of the political situation in the region at the time. …show more content…

There is a mix of statements concerning the character of Confucius as well as observations on goodness and ritual propriety. Confucius 's response is a bit unusual and has been interpreted in various ways by scholars. Confucius asks his disciples if he should take up the chariot or archery. He states he will take up the chariot. One of the characteristics of a gentleman is to not be known as a specialist in any line of work. It seems that Confucius saw no benefit to simply observing or commenting on the way of the world. The characteristic of courage would seem apt here. Compare this with earlier passages about seeing an opportunity to do well and doing nothing. Confucius saw this as