The Socratic Method

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The Socratic method is a form of inquiry and debate between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas. It is a dialectical method often involved in an oppositional discussion in which the defense of one point of view is pitted against the defense of another. For instance, one participant may lead another to contradict himself in some way, strengthening the inquirer’s own point. The text "Euthyphro"written by Plato, demonstrates an in-depth example of the Socratic Method. Socrates asks Euthyphro a series of questions that change his interpretation of what’s holy and unholy within the dialogue.
The dialogue, "Euthyphro" by Plato discusses what is considered …show more content…

Euthyphro replied “What is agreeable to the Gods is holy, and what is not agreeable is unholy” (Plato 16). [This quote implies if the Gods agree on anything that is right than it consider holy, and if it not right than it is unholy.] [The answer confused Socrates, therefore Socrates mentions that the God’s quarrel with one another on issue causing the Gods to go to war.] A reference was then made by Euthyphro from Zeus and Cronus. Zeus action was approved by himself, but disapproved by his father, …show more content…

The Socratic Method is a good way to get a deeper answer by asking a sequential number of questions. Another good example of the Socratic method is a conversation my girlfriend and I had at the gym. I asked her, “Gloria do you think killing is wrong?” Gloria replied “Yes, under no circumstances should you harm anyone.” Since Gloria was such an expert on this topic, I suggested that I become her student so that she can teach me more on this issue. Later, I asked her why she believes that it was wrong. She tells me that she believes it is wrong because certain religions such as Buddhism deem killing is a sin and there are consequences. She explains to me that Buddhism encourage individuals to act morally in order to have a happy life. I informed her that there are a lot of religions out there that encourage violents. I later stated that Islam favors violents. The Quran contain 109 verses that call Muslim to war with non-believers for the sake of Islamic rule. Those who died in battle are promise 72 virgins in heaven by the