The Sodder Tragedy Essay

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Imagine if five adolescents die in a blaze with no clue as to where their bodies went; would you not be suspicious? This is exactly what happened to five children in the Sodder family. The official statement is they died in the fire, but manifold clues say otherwise. A psychopath perhaps murdered them, or someone conceivably kidnapped them. Numerous events led up to the tragic disappearance or murder of the five Sodder children, and what happened that fateful night remains an enigma. Crimes do not occur out of nowhere. Populous circumstances lead up to crimes committed. Similarly, there are background and details pertaining to the Sodder tragedy. The year was 1945, and the location was a farmhouse in West Virginia. The Sodder household consisted …show more content…

Questions besiege the entire setting. One of them is why the kindred did not emancipate the adolescents from imprisonment in their bedroom of death. Someone tossed a ladder, which customarily stood by the upstairs window, into a ravine like it was yesterday’s garbage. The father’s truck, which was working fine earlier in the day, would not start; he wanted to use it to climb through the upstairs window. Inexplicably, someone snipped the family phone line. Furthermore, the striplings had said a man had been stalking them days before the blaze, which sounds like a cheetah stalking its prey. The fire chief’s official statement was faulty wiring caused the inferno, but the father had recently rewired the house. Also, Christmas tree lights were twinkling through the flames. In addition, some witnesses said they observed people throwing fireballs at the house like God’s wrath raining down on the earth. Since no one found the minors’ remains, it is eminently plausible to proffer the children were kidnapped by Mussolini supporters. Twenty years later, the family received a photograph claiming to be their son with a message inscribed on it; this fact supports the theory the youth survived. The Sodders hired an investigator, and he left to follow up the lead and was never heard from again like a man who fell into darkness. Consequently, I am sure the father regrets everyone of his arguments,