The Sound Of Plastic And Car Parts, By Amanda Froelich

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Convenience Over Courtesy In the April of 2016, Amanda Froelich captured an image of two large sperm whales dead on a German beach. The self proclaimed photo entitled “Sperm Whales Found Dead In Germany, Stomachs FULL Of Plastic And Car Parts” displays the beached whales surrounded by remorseful crowds of bystanders. This image brilliantly pleads for improved protection of our marine life through using powerful examples of pathos, by exhibiting emotional colors to display various moods, providing context of how this issue began, and through utilizing the death of the whales to symbolize the deadly toll we are creating amongst our wildlife. Overall, the primary purpose of this photograph is to display how humanity disregards animal life for …show more content…

Contributing to the emotional response, the heart wrenching use of this appeal creates a sense of remorse and neglected guilt amongst the audience. At initial glance, the audience first observes two large, lifeless creatures surrounded by curious spectators; however, by deeply analyzing the subject the viewers can then arise more emotion by coming into realization with the aspect of that the bystanders mourning for the innocent deaths may have partially been responsible for the massacre. The sorrow expressed in this images not only provokes despair, but it also serves as a reminder of how humanity lacks respect for our marine life. Ultimately, the sense of remorse and guilt displayed in this photograph can be exploited to serve as a warning of the damage we are doing to our wildlife, and it displays the human emotion of expressing sorrow over the tragedy of death without the realization that we were responsible for …show more content…

Serving as deterrent examples of trashing our ecosystems, the innocent yet lifeless whales symbolize the ruthless destruction we are causing to all biological life forms of which we are dependant upon to sustain life. The deaths are illustrative of displaying the disregard humanity deems for its wildlife while also revealing mankind's selfish nature to meet our own personal convenience; such as the disposing of waste in the simplest means possible. Also, this massacre represents the plead for proper and courteous care of which.the whales are metaphorically speaking for. The whales can be utilized to imply the demand for improved treatment of our wildlife while also foreshadowing future events which will result if we don't resolve the devastatingly destructive littering issue. By examining this image in a more broad perspective, it clearly appears to display the overly minimal amount of respect we retain for our wildlife while simultaneously representing the overriding human desire to meet our conveniences without considering the rippling

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