From the past up until now there are still questions left unanswered and disturbs humanity in order to achieve transcendental knowledge in pursuing the truth. These questions doesn't have a valid and definite answer that will temporarily suffice the hunger for knowledge of the people. Even in the contemporary period where knowledge is easily obtained through advancement in technology, these questions surely finds its way to escape from the formulation to be understood by the brains of mankind. These questions are correlated with the philosophical themes regarding the existence of being, God and the certainty of knowledge or acquisition of knowledge. The questions would ring to eternity until they have been answered that can fulfill the concupiscence …show more content…
Questioning the existence of God is the prevalent concept in the period but there is also the belief that this is unnecessary for God's existence depends on one's faith and it is also self-evident. There aren't much of theories about the existence of God during the ancient period but the notion about God is that He is in everything. This idea is further elaborated by the stoics. The view of the stoics about the existence of God is that of a pantheistic view of God is in everything. The composition of matter is mixed up with the so called matter of God which give things the principle to move and according to this principle, natural law is formed. Plotinus on the other hand, explained God as never changing reality by comparing it to material things as changing and finite. God is changeless therefore he is immaterial, infinite and indivisible compared to material things. These are few of the many conceptions about God and His existence in the medieval period. There are two renowned philosophers who prevailed on the argument of the existence of God in the medieval period and they are St. Anselm of Canterbury and St. Thomas Aquinas. Anselm's first three arguments about God is influenced by his acceptance of realism. The first argument is about people comparing the good people seek in things. Now, this good which can be greater and less good in things have a good that would be the greatest good which is supreme and above all. This argument implies that God is the good people are in quest of for a long time. The Second argument talks about the existence of things through the causes of things. A thing exists because it is caused by something higher and that is God. The third argument concerns the hierarchy of beings in arriving the perfect state of being. These arguments proposed by Anselm is quite vague so he proposed another argument which can give clarity to