The Strange Case Of Salem Jealous Young Women

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Reice Thurston, Havyn Garren, Marlen Jaimes-Jaimes Gann English 05 April 2023 Salem Witch Trials Argument Many people can remember their days getting in trouble as a kid, from dropping that priceless vase their mother has had in her family for generations, to hitting a baseball through the window. One common thread that almost always happens as a child, they lie. It could have been out of shame, or wanting to get rid of that vase. Much like many people of today, the accusers and accused of the Salem Witch Trials also lied. Whether it was for financial gain, out of jealousy and spite, or to just stay alive, the people of these trials pretended to be, and see, witches. People were accused of being witches for economic gain. Salem …show more content…

In another source, it is shown that out of 88 accused, 55 were over 40 years old. It also shows that 28 out of the total 29 were single and 23 were under 20 years old (Demos, 1315). In the time period of the Salem Witch Trials, women were supposed to be obedient and listen to men. They were not allowed to own property, so the only way to gain any property is to marry into a social class above you. By accusing these married women and having them hanged or at least be perceived as witches, it is likely that the men will be free to marry so the women could either gain a higher social status or be with someone they wanted to be …show more content…

Many of the symptoms listed, though, are easily faked. Symptoms listed during the Trials are easily faked: hallucinations, prickling skin (Caporael), and imitation of the accused (Weller, 30:40-30:55). The more severe symptoms can easily be explained by the extreme measures taken against the accusers and the accused. As seen in a scene of The Crucible, the people of the court are put through intense scenarios. Mary Warren is bombarded by questions and screaming to confess as Abigail and many of the girls deny the idea that they could be lying (Miller, pgs 46-49). A normal panic attack can affect the body in many ways: making you feel pinpricks, faint, and dizzy (NHS). The events Mary and many in real life are being put through are enough to push someone to a severe panic