The Strategic Advantages Of Socia Occupy Wall Street Movement

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In recent years social media has become a platform for political debates, political activism and social movements. The adoption of Facebook has revolutionised the way people communicate about various issues affecting society. A preliminary literature review follows, relating to social media and how it has been used in a few significant events in the world.
According Pillay and Maharaj (2010) social networking sites provide individuals and organisations with the ability to update profiles, post statuses, post pictures, upload videos, like or comment on posts and share interests, which is redefining the way people communicate. This form of communication is cheaper, quicker and more reliable. Stieglitz and Dang-Xuan (2013) mentions that with the growth of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, it is quite noticeable that social media is being used in political context which allows for active political participation of citizens from age groups that matter. Poell (2014) discusses the strategic advantages of …show more content…

The main issues that were raised by citizens were social and economic inequality, greed, corruption and influence of corporations on government. According to Caren and Gaby (2011) , social media’s main function was to link potential supporters and distribute information and news to citizens. The Arab Springs’ successful use of social media influenced the Occupy Wall Street movement. Caren and Gaby (2011) found that Facebook was the most prominent site used by citizens during this movement. Facebook provided a tactical method for bringing people together, sharing of relevant news, reaching large audience, instant communication and sharing experiences. Juris (2012) points out that the use of social media for Occupy Wall Street has had an effective outcome which was evident when politicians’ main talking points became unemployment, inequality and