The Strong Interest Inventory Assignment

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It all started with a presentation from Jody Burum, a career counselor specialist from Career Services. Her first appearance in class was to inform us about the overview of Career Services and the introduction of the Career Matters booklet. Jody explained the positive impacts a student can have if they seek services from them. The idea and expression she pointed out was that Career Services assists all Fresno State students with any question in regards to any majors or help student make their decision on their academic major. The department has counselors, programs, and services to assist students on identifying and choosing a career goal. The career counselor specialist couldn’t state enough that meeting with a career counselor is the number …show more content…

According to CPP, “The Strong Interest Inventory instrument is a powerful tool that can help you make satisfying decisions about your career and education.” Basically, CPP is saying that just by completing the Strong Interest Inventory assignment, students can benefit from learning what career they might consider or thinking about to change to a new career. The results from the profile can help students identify a career and start planning for the process of that career. My results of my profile the General Occupational Themes are used to describe my work personality. My highest themes are conventional (70) social (66), and enterprising (62). I agree with the results since the Conventional describes my interest being “Organization, data management, accounting, investing, and information systems.” My skills for this theme is correct because of my ability of working with numbers and I tend to focus to details. My second high theme is Social, “People, teamwork, helping, and community service.” I definitely agree with this due to the fact that I enjoy teaching and caring for people. Being a social person excites me because I have the opportunity to speak to others. My third them is Enterprising, “Business, politics, leadership, and entrepreneurship.” Motiving and direct others through verbal ability is something I own already. Taking risks and competing with others energizes me …show more content…

Aguilar mentioned that the Basic Interest Scales represented other areas in which are personally motivating and rewarding to me like activities, projects and course work of business. My top five interest areas were, “1. Management, 2. Taxes & Accounting, 3.Law, 4. Politics & Public Speaking, and 5. Finance & Investing.” Out of my top five interest areas, 2. Taxes & Accounting, is my top interest area. I am a person who prefers to work with others and learn by doing and through lectures and books. The accounting field is something I have interest in, but there are skills and qualifications I would be required to know, in order to be successful in the accounting

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