The Structureed Interview Versus The Unstructured Interview

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The Structured Interview versus the Unstructured Interview My practice as a school administrator leads me to believe that structured interviews are superior to other forms of interviews. “Structured interviews are interviews in which candidates are asked a series of standardized, job-related questions with predetermined scores for different answers.” (Phillips, 2015, p. 260) There are several advantages of the use of the structured interview during the hiring process. An employment interview is a method of questioning to collect data. Data is more reliable when it is collected in a uniform manner. Structured interviews provide open-ended questions that collect quantifiable results due to its uniformity. Structured interviews are more …show more content…

Failure to have predetermined questions lend to asking questions that require additional probing questions. Furthermore, unstructured interviews often require answers to questions that are difficult to quantify and may not reflect job-related task. By nature, the differing questions, posed during an unstructured interview, make comparisons between the candidates difficult. I believe the greatest deficit when considering unstructured interviews, is the unavoidable bias of the interviewer. This is a result of the open-ended nature of the question-response rhythm of this type of interview. The interviewee may be easily led by the types of questions provided, as well as the way in which the questions are …show more content…

Rent-A-Center Inc. shows the risks associated with psychological testing. The case held that administering certain psychological tests to employees violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The court found that the employer’s use of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) as part of its testing process for managers violated the ADA. The MMPI is a test for adult psychopathology and can be used by medical professionals to diagnose some psychiatric disorders.” (CIPPGuide and Jon-Michael C. Brook, 2017) Application & Resume Review and Reference Check (oral and letter) I believe that a careful application and resume review and thorough reference checks are imperative when selecting the most highly qualified employees. Review of applications and resumes, followed by reference checks, reduce employee turnover and attrition rates. The review of application and resumes is essential to the effective hiring process. Reviewing applications and resumes are the first steps in the screening process. These reviews help determine whether the candidates for hire meets the minimum requirements and qualifications for the job. The reference check is the final step in the screening

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