The Subconscious Mind In The Miller's Tale

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In a place no conscious human can roam, lies an empty arena. There is a boxing ring with 2 opponents facing each other, named Id and Superego. A bell sounds out and the match commences. It finishes almost as soon as it begins, Id overpowers Supergo’s strength with ease. A mediator, named Ego, announces the Id as the reigning champ. This all takes place within the psyche of Nicholas the Gallant’s mind, subconsciously. It is unseen to the naked eye, but proceeds without the owner knowing. In the Miller’s Tale, Nicholas’ abnormally aggressive sexual and childlike behavior stems from his id’s obvious dominance over his superego. Three different parts of the subconscious are present in every mind, but the id obviously dominates Nicholas’ mind through his actions. Though the tale has just barely begun, Nicholas has already managed to “make a pass at this young woman, in mood of play, her husband being out” and convinced her to commit adultery with him (91). His animalistic desires overrule any moral teachings he may have received, which does not appear to be much. Nicholas acts in a way deemed inappropriate by society, yet he does not seem to care. He does what he wants without a second thought of remorse. His end goal is to get what desires, whatever it may take. As the tale continues, Nicholas becomes …show more content…

To drive Absalon away, Nicholas “stuck out his arse, a handsome piece of work, buttocks and all, as far as to the haunch” and literally ended up being “smote in the middle of the rump” (105). Id is a representation of the part of the brain that holds primary instincts and that seems to be the only thing Nicholas is capable of. He does not appear to have been taught how to act properly in society and so he refers to childish behaviors to cope with things that upset him. He does not like Absalon and so he acts as a child, despite the fact that he is a full grown