
The Sugar Industry Controversy

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Throughout the years, Sugar Industry has had political influence to persuade people they need sugar and sugar is good for health. The same companies that do that are targeting children with propaganda that is very appealing to the children. The sugar industry had some controversy because they had their researchers saying sugar is good and independent researchers conducted that sugar is very harmful. Just about everything in the markets have some type of sugar contained in it and the sugar industry wants to get the non-sugar lovers buying also so they put no sugar or very low sugar labels, but they do not know that it is all a lie. Even well-known organizations have been known to have cheated the public because they would say certain foods were …show more content…

Major corporations such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi have paid many different researchers to conduct test and research favoring sugar. Although many other researches have said the complete opposite. There have been attempts to stop this sugar craze including two researchers Sheldon Reiser and Judith Hallfrisch that discovered more than 30 years ago that sugar could cause health problems and diseases (Hozer). However, they failed to expose the companies because of the great influence the sugar industry has in politics. Every time they said sugar was bad there was an immediate counter-argument that their cases are false. According to the 2015 Huffington Post article “Document Reveal Sugar Industry Influenced National Health Policy,” by Anna Almendrala, examines how the sugar industry paid to have research in favor because of the outbreaking controversy that sugar was bad. These companies have known that sugar is toxic for the human body but have done everything in their power to cover it up. There was research that found that sugar would cause tooth decay because so many people came in needing their teeth completely removed, but they paid the researchers to conclude that ultimately there was no link between sugar and tooth decay (Almendrala). The sugar industry lied to the people just like the Tobacco companies did in the …show more content…

Megan Orciari’s 2014 Yale News article, “Beverage Companies Still Target Kids with Marketing For Unhealthy, Sugary Drinks,” examines that the sugar companies are trying to advertise to young children. The sugar companies are trying to target young children because they see the children as a lifelong consumer, if they eat sugar at a young age they will buy sugar for the rest of their lives. Just like the advertisements with tobacco if they smoke at a young age then they most likely have a smoker for life. Many companies will create propaganda that will look appealing to a child (Orciari, 2014). Children are consuming more sugar than they ever should, for example, they are eating cereal which has a huge amount of sugar in each

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