We have all been to a supermarket or store at some point in our lives. Have we considered why products are in certain places? Is there a reason the products we really need are located in the back of the store? This article, “The Supermarket: Prime Real Estate,” was written by Marion Nestle who is a teacher in the department of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University. She writes a column regarding food for the San Francisco Chronicle. Just from reading the title, you can tell that Nestle is against supermarkets. “Prime Real Estate,” indicates that large supermarkets are feeding grounds for the supermarkets against unsuspecting customers. Supermarkets are not offering choices for the consumers; they are making …show more content…
One can argue that supermarkets are offering a large selection and many choices. Supermarkets care about the customers; offering discounts, rewards cards, and sending coupons in the mail. A large box retailer is going to make their money off of products no matter what a person buys. A person can argue that a supermarket puts products in an easily findable manner. If a person is looking to purchase a certain brand of soda, they know exactly what isle to go to and they will likely have that particular brand. Large retailers are important to the consumer because they supply products to their consumer. The conveniences of supermarkets are the sole reason we go to them; they have everything we want and need, and so much more. A supermarket such as Wal-Mart can have everything from potato chips to car tires. Where else can a person be exposed to so many products in one location? Large supermarkets make everything so easy, and it serves as a one-stop shop. While it is true that supermarkets are a great source for a large amount of products, I still believe that supermarkets want a person to buy on impulse and they want as much money from each person as