The Symbolism Of Color In The Hunger Games

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The Hunger Games is an interesting and amazing movie. The graphics, characters, and themes fit all together. One thing that sticks out and plays a major role in this movie is color. Color of clothing, homes, and flowers make the meaning. One color can mean a thousand things. Like the color black, most people would say that black represents power or death. White, on the other hand, represents purity and cleanliness (“Color Wheel Pro” 2). According to The New York Times, District 12 is one of the poorest districts of them all (Green 2). When a scene is shown of this district everything looks gloomy and sad. Black and gray are colors of sadness and that one word describes District 12.People are walking around with looks of depression and exhaustion …show more content…

Vibrant color like yellow, pink, and lime green (etc...) would describe the Capitol, full of life and love. Women are wearing colorful make up, big dresses, high heels, and wigs. Nice homes, extravagant clothes, and classy food show that these people do not have anything to worry about (The Hunger Games). In the movie there is scene when Haymitch is sitting down outside a day before the games start, and he is watching the Capitol’s citizens. As he is looking around he focuses on a family with two children. The little boy is chasing his sister with a plastic sword, and the parents think it is funny. The parents are allowing their children to mock the games, and Haymitch finds it insulting (The Hunger Games). The children from each district are told to make the citizens like them so the citizens will send them food or medicine in the games. They watch the children battle for their lives like it is a television show. As said in Burn with Us: Sacrificing Childhood in The Hunger Games, “The Hunger Games presents us with a future: with a society that demands children as sacrifice for entertainment” (Tan 2) .Everyone is walking around smiling and enjoying children fighting for their lives (The Hunger

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