
The Tempest Comparative Essay

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Stephano and Trinculo are also representative of colonizers in The Tempest. In Act 2 Scene 2, Stephano and Trinculo are wandering around the island with Caliban. Though differently than Prospero, Stephano still attempts to reform Caliban—but through alcohol rather than English. Stephano tells Caliban to “Come, kiss” in reference to his drink (134. 2. 2.). This gesture could be seen as one to subdue and domesticate Caliban by lowering his inhibitions and making him more susceptible to Stephano’s conquest. Additionally, Stephano demonstrates his entitlement to the island and Caliban when he says, “Trin- /culo, the kind and all our company ese being drowned, we will inherit here” (150-152. 2. 2.). Clearly, Stephano has little regard for the native
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