Macbeth Deception Analysis

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In the tragedy of Macbeth written by William Shakespeare, we clearly see that deception is a repeating theme throughout the entire play. It is significantly shown through the actions and choices they make that deception, is their clear motif. In this particular play, the deception that Shakespeare shows through the characters reveals their true self and their intentions for one another. From the very start of the play, deception was shown through a phrase said by all three witches “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”. This could imply that this play might revolve around a lot of lies and tricks towards each other. Firstly, the play starts off with the Three Witches. They appear to Macbeth as he’s going to pay King Duncan a visit. The witches start their deception when they tell Macbeth that he’s going to be crowned as the King of Scotland in the future. The quote “All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter” proves that he will be King, however they do not mention how it happens, or what events must occur in order for their prediction to come true. By zooming into the word “king”, we can see that their predictions are very general, and not specific in terms of detail. In a way, the witches are deceiving Macbeth as they do not tell him how he becomes King, or what problems he faces along the way, and this means that he is …show more content…

How Shakespeare links the deception between the characters show how each of them vary in character and personality, as Macbeth started out as a noble and caring guy but quickly changed into someone that murdered and took things into his own matter when they don’t work out his way. He was fooled by his wife and the witches, but solely because he let it get to him, he had the choice and the chance to prevent it, but instead did nothing to change anything. He gave into the evil ways that they followed, and let it change him into someone he’s