Uncle Tom's Cabin Language Analysis

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The novel Uncle Tom's Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe depicts the reality of slavery while simultaneously pushing the idea to Christian audiences that they should show compassion and put an end to slavery. Stowe exercises the Christianity of the character Uncle Tom to strengthen the idea that acting as a Christian can abolish the institution of slavery itself. In addition, the destruction of slavery is narrated through the character George Harris who's a runaway slave. In particular, Stowe sets up the scene where Harris walks into a bar under the alias of Henry Butler passing in society with his "Spanish complexion" appearing equivalent to the Caucasian community (Stowe 151). However, Harris expressing to his former boss Mr. Wilson his …show more content…

Wilson was an effort for the audience to connect with the character and seek an understanding of his desire to run away. The subject matter and use of language that Harris touch basis on conveys the message that his overall behavior from how he was initially introduced to the audience was in direct relation to slavery. The leading subject that Harris mentions is the broken family structure he experienced at a young age. In regards to the language, he provides a necessary amount of detail to describe the events of his life. Stowe combining these two factors influences the audience to view him as a human being instead of focusing on his ethnicity and actions. The text …show more content…

Proclaimed Christians supporting slavery through owning slaves and treating African-Americans as if they are not people continues the cycle of destruction by impairing family structures. And deteriorates a person’s body and spirits. Therefore, the method of pathos through Stowe speaking on Harris’s damaged family structure at a young age and descriptive use of language becomes critical for the audience to make a connection with him. It becomes deliberate in this scene so readers can come to terms that slavery is immoral instead of people focusing a person being African-American during that