The Three Economic Goals Of My Utopia

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In my utopia the economy is perfect. There is no hunger withen people though there is still a lower class, a middle class, and an upper class. How ever the people in my utopia have enough resources to survive. There are three economic goals that my utopia wants to achieve so that the economy stays sucssesfull. My utopia is great because the people here can eat well, the people here have great jobs that can adjust do their schedule and a persons proffecion and they can buy and pay for their wants and needs. Every one here is safe, the economic securty here is great, people are secured to having a equel and stable income and other resources to support their daily living. The economic growth in my utopia is growing rapidly wich means the economy will stay sucssesful. My utopia is good in many ways. …show more content…

People have health equality and other benifftes that help them live wihtout any limitations. The same way that they have bennifts and rights they have responsiblites and obligations and so this invloves the whole society. It is very important for everything to be fair that way there are not any issus. Equity can help reduce poverty. Also if incomes are distributed evenly then fewer people will be on the poverty line. Equity-enhancing policies can help with education and boost economic growth. People have the same civil rights, property rights and equel acsees to services and social goods. Everybody is equel and there are not any differnces within the classes. No matter their gender, race, or ethnic origin everyone has the same governemt services and they all recieve fair treatment in the labor market. Since everyone is equel there is no discrimination modivated by enalianble part of a persons