
The Three Main Governments

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“Democrats believe in ideals and principles that benefit all Americans, with opportunity and justice for all, devoid of discrimination based on one’s status, age, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation or disability.”(all things democratic, 2015)

The united states has a democratic government, what means that the citizens have (indirect) say in the government. Since the people here indirect can say what happens in the government they kinda powerful. Despite that the government has a lot more power, lucky the citizens are protected to that by the constitution. the first constitution of the united states is the Articles of Confederation. The constitution exist out of amendments, the first ten amendments are called the bill of rights. The amendments …show more content…

The national government, the state government and the local government. Citizens have to deal with these three governments. They have powers and responsibilities in common but also different powers. The constitution is there to limited the power of the government(s). If there was no constitution the government could do anything, but the powers are limited. The constitution can limited the power of the government because it says what the rights of the people are. Then the national government, the state government and, the local government all have different powers. Before that, the national government is also separate in the legislative, the judicial and the executive branch. It’s called separation of power. Now a couple examples of powers the governments got.”The national government can coin money, Declare war and conduct foreign relations. The state government regulate alcoholic beverages and establish public school. The power is not only separated between these two, they also share power. Two examples of concurrent power between the national and state government are: borrow money and establish courts”.(Unit 2: structure of government, powers of congress 1). The local government is responsible for fire and police departments and maintaining the sidewalks. These are a couple examples. As you can see how bigger the area of the government is how greater the powers is they …show more content…

If a citizens wants more says in the government they can try to get a job what has to do with the government. A citizen can be a judge, and so have a say in the judicial branch. Or you can run for president. Well, that is way easier to say then to actually do, but it is possible! every citizen who is born in the united states, live’s here for at least fourteen years and who is at least thirty-five years old. It’s a hard way, but possible. You also can join a political party. If you want a say in an area smaller than the whole country you can join an interest groups. these are not the only ways citizens can do more than just vote for the president they want. Because people have a freedom of speech they can write things about the government and/or the constitution in books, newspapers and magazines. If people raid it, they can change their

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