The Three Main Types Of Justice In Universal Justice

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The first thorough analysis of the concept of justice is still the best. In one sense it implies to the whole of virtue. A just and a moral right person is one who always done what is morally right and obeys the law justice in this sense is called universal justice in the eyes of Aristotle. More precisely and particularly justice consist of taking only a proper share of some good.
Aristotle observed in book V of the nicomachean ethics that the word justice is has a double meaning as:
“Justice can mean either lawfulness or fairness, since injustice is lawlessness and unfairness. The laws encourage people to behave virtuously, so the just person, who by definition is lawful, will necessarily be virtuous. Virtue differs from justice because it deals with one’s moral state, while justice deals with one’s relations with others. Universal justice is that state of a person who is generally lawful and fair. Particular justice deals with the “divisible” goods of honor, money, and safety, where one person’s gain of such goods results in a corresponding loss by someone else.” TYPES OF JUSTICE:
Following are the three main types of justice in accordance with Aristotle:
Distributive justice (This deals with the distribution of burden)
Compensatory justice (This deals in the matter of compensating persons for wrong doing)
Retributive justice (This involves the