The Toughest Warrior: The Epic Of Beowulf

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Today is a time to mourn the loss of the Geats of Geatland’s Great King, Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow who lost his life protecting the life of his fellow Geats. The breaker of rings was the bravest warrior in the land and his accomplishments will never be forgotten. Many looked up to Beowulf as a god, and had high expectations of him, but the reality was that he was just like any person, flawed. Beowulf gives into temptation and he doesn't always come out victorious in all his battles. That is what made Beowulf different out of everyone, he fought fair fights that tested his limits to points he never knew he could reach
The Great Geat King , Beowulf, the strongest of the Geats fought not for good glamorous glory, but to protect those in need. His bravery brought peace among the people. Beowulf will always be remembered as one of the mightiest men of mankind. He actually earned his title as, protector of mankind by slaying the menacing monsters and bad beasts, for example the shepherd of evil, guardian of crime, Grendel tormented Hrothgar and his kingdom for twelve years. Beowulf exterminated Grendel with his bare hands naked as the day he was born, but little did he know his …show more content…

Show the courage that he once did and remember that he would not want us to mourn but yet, rejoice in his living. Rejoice that he was able to walk this earth and rejoice that we are able to walk more in his footsteps. He would want us to remember him for the warrior he was and nothing less. Many monsters and warriors came seeking a chance to slay the great Beowulf, but, none of them succeeded until now. He lived his life in the helplessness of others and went out of his way to help his fellow man. His selfless deeds are evident in the words he spoke and the battles he fought. It is understanding that many are broken and lost but today wipe the tears and remember the days when Beowulf was alive was alive and

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