
The Tragedy Of Othello, The Moor Of Venice

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Stefano Byer HRS 200
Dr. Averett
The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice
Publication Date: 1603 Author: William Shakespeare
Brief Plot Summary:
The audience finds themselves in the company of Iago and Rodrigo skulking around Venetian walkways under the moonlight. Iago, an ensign in the Venetian army, is jealous of Cassio, a younger man, who was promoted to Lieutenant by Othello, the Moorish General of Venice. Iago, a character so manipulative and jealous that his name goes down in history as being synonymous with deceit and envy, uses Rodrigo and his social rank to wake Barbantio and tell him of the elopement between his daughter, Desdemona, and Othello. Iago then rushes to warn Othello that Barbantio has heard news of their marriage – …show more content…

Having heard Cassio admit he cannot hold his wine, Iago plots to get him loaded on wine. Once Cassio is sufficiently intoxicated, Iago draws him to fight with Rodrigo. Othello quells the brawl and in doing so, strips Cassio of his rank. Iago now sees an opportunity to make Othello perceive Cassio and Desdemona as committing adultery by advising Cassio to use Desdemona as an intermediary between himself and Othello. The logical next step for Iago is to plant the seed of jealously in …show more content…

Younger than Iago. Recently graduated to Lieutenant by Othello’s command. Recently stripped of being Lieutenant by Othello’s command. Cassio is the tool of manipulation of Othello.
Iago – Classic Italian guy. Jealous for not getting a job and screwing people over for no particular reason. Iago is the manipulator.
Desdemona – Faithful bride of Othello, who was burdened with the product of the manipulation – death.
Symbols, Motifs, Allusions:
Green-Eyed Monster- The most memorable concept of the play, which can be interpreted many ways. Personally, I interpret this idea in the literal sense – where your perception sees green, a color often tied with jealousy- hence, Othello and Iago are both blinded by their jealousy and driven mad.
Animals – Reference to characters as animals – Othello as an “old black ram”- reflects the how others perceive individuals based on natural rankings as opposed to societal rankings.
The Handkerchief – The symbol of Othello’s love for Desdemona. Also the crux of his jealousy/Iago’s primary tool in planting the seed of jealousy.
Manipulation- Iago is the grand manipulator in this tragedy. Driven by jealousy and disappointment, Iago ruins the lives of all he involves.
Race- Othello stands as a memorable colored hero, one of the firsts, in English

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