The Treasure Of Lemon Brown Descriptive Language

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As Lewis Carroll said “When you are describing, a shape or sound, or tint, don’t state the matter plainly, but put it in a hint, and learn to look at all things, with a sort of mental squint’’. When someone says something plainly it usually doesn’t catch someone’s interest but sometimes when something is more descriptive as human beings it gets our attention. In the stories “The Tell-Tale Heart’’ by Edgar Allen Poe and The Treasure Of Lemon Brown’’ by Walter Dean Myer the authors use descriptive language to develop some of the characters and places. In “The Treasure Of Lemon Brown’’ the author uses descriptive language for creating a more vivid image of the different settings. For instance “Greg had sat in the small, pale green kitchen…’’ This tells the audience that the kitchen is not expensive and it …show more content…

“he had the eye of a vulture-a pale blue eye, with a film over it.” is a good example of this. It is telling us features and also comparing to something else to make it more scary. What the reader can get from this quote is they learn about the character is that he might be blind or he is very aged. “He was stone dead. His eye would trouble me no more.” Both characters are being described when it tells us about how he was “Stone dead it doesn 't mean literally it means that there was no movement at all and when it says “his eye would trouble me no more”it tells us that the second character must have been fearful or bothered by the other person’s eye. “No doubt I now grew very pale.” The information that this quote gives the audience is two things. Number one being it tells us our character is nervous and second being it also creates a mood. Descriptive language is a great way to describe a character because it creates a personality and looks for the character in our mind making the story more