The Trouble With Online College

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. Online students are not the problems of online courses. In fact, the course usually uses the most user friendly websites. The real reason why online classes are horrible it’s because they are poorly designed. “The Trouble with Online College” summarizes the online revolution that offers intriguing opportunities for broadening access to education. So far, the evidence shows that poorly designed courses can seriously affect the most vulnerable students. “The Trouble with Online Education” summarizes those students that can get knowledge from the internet course if they are highly motivated to learn. In traditional courses the students and teachers come together and create community of learning. The “Editorial Observer; What Adolescents Miss …show more content…

With online classes, students have little to none communication with their professors. Yes, they can contact them over email or by phone, but student and professors don’t have the same communication as those that are in traditional classes. “The Trouble with Online College” stated that “Lacking confidence as well as competence, these students need engagement with their teachers to feel comfortable and to succeed” (Par 6). What this quote is saying is that students need to know their professors to feel comfortable with them and know what their expectations are in that class. “The Trouble with Online College” also states “What they often get in offline is estrangement from the instructor who rarely can get to know them directly” (Par 6). Online courses lack this type of connection and leads to academic failure. According to “The Trouble with Online Education” “With every class we teach, we need to learn who the people in front of us are. We need to know where they are intellectually, who they are as people and what we can do to help them grow” (Par 6). Professor’s need to, because knowing their students is important so they can help them succeed. They might have hundred plus students but knowing if the students are learning from the material is important. In online classes, professors are unable to do that because of the lack of communication. Overall, colleges need to improve …show more content…

Cyberspace has been expanding over the years. It’s affecting the generations to come through schooling, and how we socialize. Cyberspace is a distraction to poorly designed online courses. According to the “Editorial Observer; What Adolescents Miss When We Let Them Grow Up in Cyberspace” by Brent Staples, “ teenagers who spend much of their lives hunched over computer screens miss the socializing, the real-world experience that would allow them to leave adolescence behind and grow into adulthood” (Par 12). Also college students lack in socializing with other students when taking online classes. Compare this to the articles above. They also don’t get the face-to-face communication that they would get in traditional classes. With the expansion of cyberspace students who take online classes are distracted because they can surf the web or go online shopping during their online course. The “Editorial Observer; What Adolescents Miss When We Let Them Grow Up in Cyberspace” Staples also said “Thanks to e-mail, online chat rooms and instant messages -- which permit private, real-time conversations -- adolescents have at last succeeded in shielding their social lives from adult scrutiny” (Par 4). Students are connected more to the outside world then ever but they forget how to socialize with others. The expansion of cyberspace is affecting student’s academic success in poorly

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