
The True Cause Of The American Civil War

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American Civil War The Civil War, a battle between the North and the South, a war deadlier than the American Revolutionary War and World War II combined, was a hard time for Americans but at the same time, it pushed the nation to prosperity and industrialization in the following years after the war ended. From 1861 to 1865 America struggled through one of the hardest times ever in history. The cause of the Civil War is considered to be slavery but many say it was not the direct cause, an opinion of which many historians argue about since many also state that it was all about agriculture vs. industry or the states’ rights to protect themselves from the tyranny of a big federal government. But if that was the true cause, the war would have …show more content…

Well, the war was a great cause for it. Many southerners state that slavery had nothing to do with the war until it had started. In 1863, Lincoln proclaimed slavery, which later was turned into a constitutional amendment that stroke slavery from America altogether. The debate had its roots in slavery since the Second Continental Congress. Compromise after compromise was struck to avert the Civil War. When Kansas was supposed to be admitted to the union, a bloody war was fought over the choice to be a slave state or not. The Republican Party was formed mostly to stop slavery from spreading to other states. John Fremont, a man who was disgusted by slavery and was willing to do anything in order to prevent it, was their first candidate. Fremont wanted to stop the enforcements of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. There were obvious reasons why Lincoln was not on the ballot in the south. The seceded states formed a Union called the Confederate States of America and elected their first and at the same time, their last president, Jefferson Davis. “In the seven states that had seceded, the people responded positively to the Confederate action and the leadership of Confederate President Jefferson Davis” (Hamby 142). The problem with the Confederacy was that Lincoln refused to recognize it as well as the United States or any other government. Lincoln then tried to reason with the seceded states. Alexander Stephens, vice president of Jefferson Davis, …show more content…

Another issue that was causing the division was the long debate over how high tariffs should be. The south was disproportionally affected by tariffs and wanted them lowered. The north was pleased with its tariffs since it positively influenced the industrial growth. The debate between where the nation should go was long and was called the Jefferson-Hamilton debate. Jefferson longed for an agrarian utopia, where every white man mastered over his own plot of land while Hamilton wanted a utilitarian nation and aimed for industrial growth. The south decided to follow Jefferson’s idea on their own and formed a Confederacy. Jefferson was an anti-federalist, never took part in creating the constitution, and in addition, was a southern slave owner. Southerner’s saw themselves continuing living the life that way. To this day, many people from the south might say that the Civil War was the War of Northern Aggression even though it was the complete

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