The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show Research Paper

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“The blacks should stay with us. they could get killed by some pig if they don' t.”- says

wrench Watch_Dogs 2. Unfortunately statements such as these are recurring in this game . The

regular use of words like this in mainstream media provokes people to believe that statements

like these are socially acceptable. Television shows constantly create and promote stereotypes

and images. Firstly, shows like “b lack-ish”do this weekly by depicting a stereotypical

African-American family. In the episode “One a ngry Man”, the main character, Dre, is called to

jury duty and realizes that he is the only African-American in the jury and has a problem that last

the whole duration of the episode. In the beginning of this episode, Dre gives the …show more content…

African-Americans were

unable to stand in the jury until 1880, but in fact most crimes from the years 1856-1880 were

balanced between African-Americans against slave masters and previous masters, and Whites

against blacks as slaves and previous slaves. Shows like “The Boondocks” are are also

stereotype promoting. In an episode called, “The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show”, A supporting

character named “Uncle Ruckus” G ives the following statement, “What do N****s do in

college anyway? You don't see no black fraternities”. There are in fact 5 historically …show more content…

Those fraternities and sororities are Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, and Delta sigma theta . All of these have had not only had over 100 thousand african american pledgers over the past 100 yearsbut have welcomed other races as well. My last T elevision show that promotes the symbol of racism and bigotry is “South Park” In an episode called “Pinewood Derby” various world leaders are shown. One that is shown is former President of mexico , Felipe Calderón. This episode depicts President Felip e using all of Mexico’s money for his own use. This sparked a controversy and soon lead to a Mexican government federal investigation on Calderón. Later nothing was found and MTV was fined over 500 thousand dollars Calderón later stepped down from the role of president by way of embarrassment. These three television shows are just the branch onthe tree of racism in mainstream media. In my next paragraph, I will show you another type of stereotypical racism, in video games.
Not o nly is stereotyping prominent in tv media, it's shown in video games as well. Firstly in the game GTA- San Andreas, the main character named CJ is constantly called a racial