
The Urban Home As Fortress, By Robe

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I disagree with Mathew Robare about fences being a problem for the community. I do not see how a fence could be a problem for the community. Therefore, there are three reasons I disagree with him. One reason is that people feel safety with a fence. Second reason is that you can have privacy. Third reason is that no one can trespass your property. People can do whatever they want in their houses because it’s their property. One reason that people should have tall fences in their houses is for safety. People feel safety when they have a fence in their houses. People can do whatever they want with their houses because it’s their property and they are the only ones that are paying for it. According to the article “Reasons for a fence” it says …show more content…

In the article “The Urban Home as Fortress” it says, “A fence stops people from looking in (Robare, 2017)”. Many people want to have their own privacy in their yards or pools, so they can feel relax. Sometimes they even want to make a cook out and the do not want anybody to go in. But how are they going to have their privacy if they do not have a fence. That’s why a privacy fence would be the best solution to have your privacy and no one could know what you are …show more content…

A fence is for the good of you and your family. With a fence in your house you can feel safety. It also can prevent thieves from entering your house and so that they cannot steal the things that you have in your house. A fence is good so that you can have your own privacy whenever you want to make a cook out and so that people cannot see what you are doing in your own house. A fence is also good so that no one can trespass your property. If you have your house so pretty and you do not want anybody to trespass a fence is a good solution. You can prevent them from trespassing your property. Therefore, a fence is not a problem for the community because a fence is for your own safety, to have your privacy and so that they do not trespass your

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