
The Veldt Essay

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Jake Rome Ms. Gizelis English 123 17 February 2023 Title: The Veldt by Ray Bradbury Start typing here…In his short story “The Veldt,” Ray Bradbury characterizes the children, the parents, and the parent-child relationship as negative to highlight the harmful effects of a technologically advanced world. The high-tech in the nursery impacts the children, making them act differently because they are out of touch with reality and angrier than a typical kid. Peter and Wendy get mad since their parents threaten to turn off the nursery and the kids are addicted to it. Peter says “I wish you were dead” (Bradbury 11). They hate their parents just because their parents want to shut the nursery off. Their reaction is very extreme with strong words like “wish” and “dead.” The technology in the nursery has influenced them poorly. Body paragraph 2: Parents The world has made the parents confused by what is happing to their children: “We’ve given the children everything they ever wanted, this is our reward”(Bradbury 7). The parents wonder what is happening to their children since they have treated them poorly. The parents have given their kids everything and they are behaving disobediently. Bradbury focuses on parents spoiling their children. The parents are baffled by what the nursery …show more content…

The parents are disturbed by what is happening to their kids, so a psychologist comes to their house and reports: “You've let this room and this house replace you and your wife in your children's affections this room is their mother and father far more important in their real than their parents”(Bradbury 9). The house is taken over by the parents being parents. The parents don't do their jobs because technology is doing their jobs and the parents let technology replace them. The author focuses on showing what would happen if technology replaced a parent's job when the parent is not performing a part in the children’s

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