The Veldt Literary Analysis

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Everyone in life needs to remember that whenever people are being mean or get in your way, you can always make the right choice and make it better. In “The Veldt,” by Ray Bradbury, the characters keep getting into arguments over nothing. Yelling. Screaming. Punishing. Over and over again. But once the parents make the biggest decision ever. Everything changes for the kids. Hatred arises within the story, and relationships are broken into harsh pieces. No one know if anything will ever be the same. In “The Veldt,” Bradbury uses tone, description, and symbolism to show the theme of the kids being spoiled. The author uses tone to express the theme of not spoiling your kids. “This room is their mother and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents. And now you come along and want to shut it off. No wonder there’s hatred here. You can feel it coming out of the sky. Feel that sun. George, you’ll have to change your life.” This quote from the text shows that their parents spoil them with tone because it is using hatred and showing how the parents are just giving them what …show more content…

“He stared at the two children seated in the center of the open glade eating a little picnic lunch. Beyond them was the water hole and the yellow Veldtland; above was the hot sun.” This quote shows that the kids are spoiled, but this time the author used symbolism to describe what was going on. By the Bradbury putting in what the lions in the veldt were doing, it made the reader think about what was going to happen and it kind of hinted that something bad might happen in the story. This demonstrates that the creatures inside are really creating a big influence on the children. They go in there about every day and they think what they want to and it comes to life. But every time that they go in their, they think of the lions. Once the lions come to life they are reeled in and then their is no turning

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