
The View Out Of Gatsby Eyes Analysis

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Demetrio Ortiz English 5/7/15 The View Out of Gatsby Eyes I’ve always been a dreamer; you can say I don’t want to stay at the lower class end. I want to be someone one day. I want to be looked at with power and respect. I tried college but I didn’t like the idea of cleaning up everyone’s mess or to pay for a school I didn’t even like. I started working for this nice gentleman named Dan Cody. He was a millionaire and his passion was in his boat. I worked there and made a living. He showed how to carry myself. The boat is where I learned how to a true gentlemen. The one thing I was happy I did was to get enlisted in the army. I found out it was the most impacting thing I could’ve ever done. I met some very important to me. I feel I have
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