The Voice Of Reason In Tartuffe By Moliére

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Tartuffe, by Moliére takes place in the household of Orgon and Elmire when a seemingly devout Christian man comes to live there. In this piece not everything is how it seems. The head of the household, Orgon, is completely deceived by thus man named Tartuffe. I think there is a biblical message to be found in this story; not every “religious” man is truthful and good. This again comes down to questioning things, being well educated and well informed. Cléante, the character who is the voice of reason in this story, sees right through Tartuffe façade. He is well educated enough to recognize a fake. In this conversation Cléante is trying to convince his brother-in-law that Tartuffe is a fraud but Orgon is unable to see it: The true believers