The Wages Of Sin Analysis

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Unfortunately, it’s in our human nature to form judgments on people upon gazing at them. Although it’s not something that can be diminished in us, it is something we can rightfully control. A recent incident happened at the bank where a man, who was on the heavier weight side, came into the bank using crutches to help him maneuver. A co-worker saw him and made a comment on his looks which lead me to reply saying it’s unfair to make impertinent comments on random people. It’s imperative to remember that we are unaware of what an individual’s circumstances may be; what if the person has certain health conditions that cause them to be a certain way? Francine Prose explains this in his article, “The Wages of Sin” where she states how to control their weight, what obesity is, and how others view obese people. …show more content…

She also discusses how obesity can be related to health issues as well as psychological issues. A similar argument was made in the article, “Add Cake, Subtract Self-Esteem” by Caroline Knapp, where she talks about her personal experience on how her stress caused by college and relationships caused her to suffer from anorexia. She stated how starving yourself daily is a painful experience. Prose and Knapp both believe that eating food is not something to frown upon. I agree with this because as humans eating food is essential for living a healthy lifestyle. However, there is a difference between eating healthy, eating junk, and overeating. We all are different and therefore our immune systems also perform differently. As we grow up we learn what foods would be beneficial to our health and what may be